Volunteering in Your Community
There are many ways to make an impact while volunteering your time. UHC is touched and inspired by the selfless spirit of all those who volunteer in the community for our community.

What are UHC’s Volunteer Roles?
To keep UHC running smoothly, we need the help of many committed individuals with a wide variety of skillsets and interests. Below are UHC’s volunteer opportunities; let’s find a volunteer role that is right for you!

Food Bank
The Unifor Local 200 People’s Choice Pantry needs volunteers to help pick-up and drop-off food donations, package fresh produce and foodstuffs quickly, restock pantry shelves, and assist clients with choosing the items that their families’ need.

Community Kitchen
If you’re a foodie with a big heart, then Caesars Windsor Cares Community Kitchen needs your help to prepare and package food for clients who are visiting, as well as for those in the community who need assistance.

English Classes, Literacy and Basic Skills
Education is an incredibly powerful tool. If you have a passion for teaching, our students need help with reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Some of our students are new to the English language and will need a strong coach to support their learning efforts.

GED Preparation
Our GED Preparation Program can help get you back into a learning mindset with confidence. Our instructors upgrade your knowledge in high school level Math, English, Social Studies, and Science so you can go on to obtain your grade twelve equivalency.

Care for Newcomer Children
UHC has created a safe space for newcomers children to play and learn while their parent or guardian works through our programs. Volunteers will assist our ECE workers with children ages 19 months – 6 years.

Shirley & Ray’s Community Garden
When the growing season comes, we need volunteers to assist clients with planting, maintaining, and harvesting their gardens.
Click HERE to learn more about Shirley & Ray’s Community Garden.

Coats for Kids
Before each winter hits, our volunteers are actively working to collect, sort and distribute gently used winter coats to those in need. It’s the Canadian thing to do!
Click HERE to learn more about Coats for Kids.

Event Volunteers
Community events happen throughout the year and play an important part in UHC’s fundraising and community partnerships. Our volunteers support our Annual Plentiful Harvest Gala, grocery store food drives, Blues Fest, Parades, and our Children’s Annual Christmas Party.

Are You Ready to Give Your Time?
Submit your application below to begin the volunteer process which includes:
- An interview
- Review of volunteer roles and UHC guidelines
- A reference check
- A vulnerable police clearance (at your expense)
* Must be 13 years or older. Volunteers under 18 must have Waiver Form signed by Parent/Guardian.
Volunteer Application Form
Please fill out the form below to submit your application.
* Due to the volume of applications not all applicants are guaranteed a volunteer position at the time of their submission.