Food Initiatives
Food Assistance
The UHC-Hub of Opportunities offers a wide variety of Food Assistance. Click below for more information.

Food Bank Program
Our on-site food bank, Unifor Local 200 People’s Choice Pantry, supplies your family with 3 days of healthy food.

Plentiful Harvest Food Rescue Program
Once rescued, the food is processed and reviewed by UHC staff before being redistributed back into the community.

Farm to Food Program
The creation of the Farm to Food program is in direct response to the issues of food waste and food insecurity.

Community Kitchen
UHC’s Caesars Windsor Cares Community Kitchen is a state-of-the-art kitchen where the community can come together to learn, socialize, and help a fellow neighbour in need.

Community Garden
With each planting season, UHC has 200 community garden plots so that your family can dig in and plant your own fruits and vegetables – all of which we provide the seeds for!

Leamington Regional Food Hub
The Leamington Regional Food Hub is a 16,000 square foot facility situated in the heart of Canada’s greenhouse growing industry.